Selasa, 02 Januari 2018

MY FIELD STUDY (Tugas SMA Bahasa Inggris Membuat Cerita)

           Hii guys kali ini aku mau share tentang cerita liburanku dulu ketika SMA. Nah aku study lapangan sama temen temen di Gembira Loka. Kami gak sekedar liburan gaes, tetapi juga mencari bule bule untuk di hunting. Selain itu kami juga berjalan jalan melihat binatang :p. but  Pada waktu itu kami menemukan hewan yang amat langka, bukan macan Sumatra atau badak bercula satu. ini lebih hebat yaitu Sulo :O . Apakah sulo itu?

maaf tulisanya gak diedit, cuma buat remainder masa lalu aj :)

foto sewaktu SMA


   Praise to be God, the cherisher and sustainers of the worlds, God who has been giving His blessing and mercy to the writer to complete the working paper entitled “My Study Field” this working paper discusses about experience Field study that has been done in the Gembira Loka zoo on November 16, 2013.
 In preparing this paper, the author got a lot of challenge but thanks for all who have helped in the preparation of this paper and thanks to all my classmate who assisted to us in the preparation of this working paper.

 The author realizes that this paper is still far from prefect. Constructive criticisms from the readers very needed to author improve further paper.
Hopefully this paper can This paper can help the readers add insight or expand existing knowledge.



Wonosari , Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta


        On Sunday date November 9 2013 I and all schools friends went to Zoo Park for study fields. That's event has become an annual event for junior high school 2 Wonosari. First I assembled and then used the Bus to departed.

          We went to Gembira loka zoo at 07:00 O’clock, there are about 7 Rawit Mulyo bus for went to there. I and My classmate entered bus number 1. In the Bus there not only my classmate but there are also people from another class. Members from my grup there 7, that is Dea Della,Ester,Fatimah,Imam,Lorenza and finally Linggar. We included in the English grup. When in the tour I sat behind My Classmate Akhdan. We were joking together. Gembira loka Zoo is located in Yogyakarta. Gembira Loka ever broke because earthquake was Shaking Yogyakarta City in 2004 but Gembira Loka Zoo already to renovation. In the tour Akdhan was talking with me about that’s information while I was eating some food. I saw much beautiful scenery like us Trees, birds, pillar and soon. Not forget I took photo in the bus. Because I very happy played with my friend in the bus. I don’t know if we had reached the destination. One by one the student in the bus down and converge each group to get a briefing and assignment from teacher. Mrs Titra guideance cunselor is a teacher at same school in english languange and it making easier to communicate. After Got information we were aprroaching the entrance while waiting for ticket purchase. Then after finished administration We entered to Gembira Loka Zoo. In there is very cool. In there many tree and people took photo. Then We went to down for watching animals and plant but in the middle tour to down some student called we to went up again that’s make me so confused and tired because I must go up the leader again. In there Mrs. Titra told me, if my group forgot to brought a map. I think my group forgot to bring map because they felt happy. Then I continue my tour to down. I must slowly to down because it is slippery. In the down My Friends was waiting me when I walked to up.
    Then we continue the tour together. When the tour I saw many people were playing in the basin. There people rode a small boat, water cycle, banana boat and went to big ship for saw some attraction. No guess we meet with Tourist from another region. But my member of the group separated. So only me, Dea and Della can met with the tourist but when we were talking with she. She said if she can not tell much because it was first time she come to here so we only gave some question to she. When we were questioning “what do you thing about this zoo park?” she said “I think it is very good”. That’s answer is make me happy because she felt pleasant with this zoo park. Then we took photo with her and continue the tour. We entered the room that’s there many amphibian and reptile like Katak Pesek, Pacman cranwell, pacman argentina, crocodile, turtle, and soon. Then we walked to big aquarium in there there are many fish like us piranha, koi, cucut and soon. Then we went to Tiger place in there, there 2 kinds of tiger it is white tiger and Sumatra tiger they look very hungry I can not think if there someone fell to the tiger. it was scared. Then I separated with my group friends now I walked alone I was following Mr. Sunarto and her student. I walked to bird garden. In there I saw many Indonesian bird like elang bondol, jalak papua, julang emas, pecuk hitam and soon. In the garden many bird chirruped so sweet. Make my soul to be calm and make me enthusiasm again. Then I walked out from the garden. In out I met with my class friend again they are Akhdan , Lorenza and Yoga. Then we walked again together with Mr. Sunarto and her Group but we heard a voice that animals like a penguin will be giving lunch. Then we walked to saw the animals. It is amazing when the animal specialist was throwing a fish. That animal swam to down to eat that fish. That movement made a torpedo in water. It So Amazing!

     After we had seen animals. We took arrest in under the tree and drank some water. But when I was drinking Akhdan, Lorenza and Yoga laughed. I stop drank and said “what happened?”  “Hey there is a new animals it came from Africa, it is one species with snake its name is SULO” said Yoga. I so confused but when I saw a trash can, a trash can was writing Sulo. Then I said to Akhdan “it is Sulo?” “Yes you right it is Sulo hahahah” reply Akhdan. In the way we saw many mouse deer ate celery. Substantively we wanted to give mouse deer celery but when we wanted to buy. Celery was sold out. We very disappointed then we continue the tour. When we were walking we saw my friends in down. We only waved to my friends. Then we walked again we heard a voice when we were walking. That’s voice belonged Monkey. There are many mankey species like us bekantan , siamang. Then we took photo and walked again Lorenza separated with us but we met with Nares, Lutfiana and Milang then we walked together. In the way we saw a tunnel. It form like a reptile. Then we entered the tunnel in inside is very dark but Akhdan brought a flashlight so it is not dark again. In inside Lutfiana scrammed when she was seeing a cockroach because all my friends ran out the tunnel I follow they out the tunnel. In outside I and Akhdan separated with us because we wanted to walk again following the map. Then I and Akhdan walked again following the road. In the tour we saw horse, deer, cow and sheep. But I very shocked when I was seeing an animal. That animal is like a mouse but that body is bigger than mouse that body is like a big rabbit. Akdhan asked me to read a pamphlet that pamphlet is describe that animal. That animal is called capibara total body length 100- 130 cm and weighed 50 kg. He was covered by a coat of dark brown hair. It the natural habitat of these animals eat different kind of aquatic animals, as well as tubers. Spread is South America. That amazing the animals is the biggest rodent in the world. Then we walked again and took arrest in the kudanill place we were eating some food while waiting my friends. Then not long we met with Lutfiana, Yoga,Nares and Milang again. So we continue the tour again. We went to top by way entered the tunnel. We don’t forgot to take photo together in the tunnel then we exit the tunnel and watched Gembira loka Zoo from the top. Gembira loka zoo is very large. Then we separated with Lutfiana and Milang. They still wanted to down again. We went to Arbotarium in the there many plant. We are so tired then we took arrest and drank water. When I was drinking my phone rang. Mrs. Titra called me for shared to my friends if all must   went in the garden because all will be giving a food. Then we went to garden but me, Akhdan, and Yoga shalat first. After prayer we walked to garden. In there we met with all my friends. We told together about sulo my friends Bona is so confused. So he asked to we classmate but no one answered his question. Then Bona asked to teacher. First all teachers are so confused but Mr. Sunarto to know Bona that sulo is trash can. All my friends in there laughed. Bona also laughed because sulo is only trash can. Then not along Mr. Arif asked us to bring all food to All student Senior high school 2 wonosari. Packet by packet we brought together and gave to all students after finish we ate together. Then when all were finished ate all Student were going to bus for back to senior high school Sma 2 wonosari.

      In the bus we sang and shared together about experience when in the Gembira Loka Zoo. Then I played Akhdan hand phone and watched the beautiful scenery. We arrived in school at 03:30 p.m. One by one student went down from Bus. Then they back to own home. I really pleasure with this Study field. I felt different sensation and that’s was unforgettable experience.

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